120 Authors – 230 Tales – 1.1 Million Words! All Free!

Check out that title! That is what you’ll find if you go download yourself a copy of Up and Coming: Stories from the 2016 Campbell-Eligble Writers.

This mega-anthology was put together by writers SL Huang and Kurt Hunt, themselves Campbell Eligible this year, to showcase the vast range of new talent out there in the speculative fiction field.

The John W. Campbell Award for Best New writer is an award given out during the Hugo Award ceremony (though it is not itself actually a Hugo award) for a writer whose first professional work (as defined by the award’s rules) as published in the previous two years. So anyone who had their first pro market story/novel published in 2014 or 2015 is eligible for this year’s award.

And this anthology will showcase 120 such authors.

Oh, and I’m one of them. My contribution to the anthology’s word count is only 0.1% of the total word count but I’m still proud of it and I’m thrilled to be in this collection alongside so many other new and interesting others, many of whom I already admire greatly, many others I can’t wait to discover by reading through this collection.

Now the important bit – This collection is availble for FREE, but it is only available until March 31st. So don’t miss your opportunity to check out this showcase of the future of SFF.