Note to New Folks

Hello all, given the likelihood of some new people popping in to look around here I just wanted to mention that Looking for a Rabbit Hole is in a bit of state of shambles. It’s not broken, but it is a bit messy with some outdated things sticking out at odd angles. I am getting things reorganized, probably even as you read this. Still, there might be things here you’ll find interesting. If you’re looking for something to read might I suggest checking out my list of available fiction. Most of it is flash pieces published on this site, but that doesn’t mean they aren’t worth your time. There’s a good variety and some I quite like, even if someĀ could probably use one more good edit pass. Things coming soon include a revision of the links in the sidebar, a post talking about the various Patreons I support, and hopefully the beginning of a weekly series of old horror/thriller movie reviews (or watches anyway).