The Price of Wisdom

This is a short story written as an entry to a Flash Fiction challenge issued by Chuck Wendig at his blog Terribleminds. Specifically, this is the entry for the challenge “Death Is On The Table”.

“The Price of Wisdom”

The rough and tired looking first chaplain listened to the far off screams and knew that soon he and his men would be surrounded by the terrible agony of wounded and dying soldiers. He looked around at the young acolytes and counted only two battled hardened war healers amongst a dozen other green boys. They were all looking at him and he remembered looking at another rough and tired first chaplain through his own young eyes long ago and did not envy them. Clearing his throat he began the small speech he had given so many times.

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Introducing “THE LIST”

So one thing that anyone checking out “Looking for a Rabbit Hole” might be wondering is: What does Jeff mean by “becoming a writer”.

That’s what I’d be wondering if I was someone else stumbling across this place anyway. When I say I want to become a writer I am specifically referring to becoming a professional writer. Or, to put it another way, I want to become a writer who is paid for their work. I’m looking for a career change here. At the minimum I’d at least like to create a supplementary career out of writing.

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